The Spanish La Liga

The Spanish La Liga
There is no doubt about the fact that the best existing game is the football. Precisely for that reason, I am prone to talk about one national championship, which is the most intriguing and interesting on the planet, the Spanish La Liga. There are many other ones like the Premier League, Bundesliga, Calcho, and so on, which deserve to be examined, but in my opinion, Primiera Division is the best from all mentioned. Proves about my statements are the successes of the Spanish teams on any symposiums as well as the football players who are participants of La Liga.

The successes of the Spanish football arent only on club level but also on national one. For two years, in 2008 and 2010, the Spanish national footballers managed to win the European and World cups respectively. Why I am saying that is because, all of these superior footballers are playing in their native championship. Consequently we can say without hesitation that there are the best football players in the world. This is asserted not once but twice, something rare for encountering.

However, there are even stronger evidences about the greatness of the Spanish championship. Despite the fact that they are the current European and World champions, the Spanish have more splendid successes on club level. One example for that is the number of cups won in the Champion League from Real Madrid and Barcelona, which is twelve. As a matter of fact, The White Ballet (Real Madrid) possesses the biggest accumulated quantity of them, nine titles. This is absolutely exclusive because the team behind them, Milan, has only six cups. Real Madrid accomplished most of those successes long time ago, but the important fact is that in the last ten years they became two times champions – in 2001 and 2002. It seems that in the last seven-eight years they undergo difficulties but this is something normal when the team of Barcelona tale the possession of the ball in their legs. What I mean is that, in this span the team of Barcelona is implicit dominant in the Spanish football. To be frank, their abilities are known by each persons and club, but now they show something even bigger. In 2007 and 2009 they managed to achieve two successes in the Champion League, defeating first Arsenal and after that Manchester United. But those four titles in the Champion League for the Spanish football and for less than eight years, is excellent indicator for the omnipotence of La Liga. Virtually, there are other merits, which can also be taken under consideration. For example, names like Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo, Xavi Ernandes, Indres Iniesta, Ikker Kasias, and so on, are extra evidences for the confidence of the above stated assertion.

The Danish word for Premier League results is Premier League resultater and if you are interested in finding out what they are, you should visit this Danish website. You can easily translate it with Google Translator. To read more about La Liga, click here.

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