You Da Man!

You Da Man!
Yeah, I know, it’s not good English, but then neither is it good theological reasoning regarding Jesus when you’re around a fundamentalist. I’m amazed at how so many religious traditions got started, much less retained such longevity. Mary was an incredible mother. How many women can say that they raised two sons like Jesus and James “The Just”? Both of these boys (sounds almost sacrilegious doesn’t it) were absolutely “life-changers”. Of course since James wound up on the losing side, his place in history nowhere approaches that of Jesus. Jesus was GOD! Jesus was and is “da man” for me, not God. Jesus simply said FOLLOW ME and he even got a bit testy when someone would even think of him being GOOD. I have to wonder where Christianity would be, not to mention the world, if the early church fathers would have followed the example that Jesus left instead of trying to make him compete with previous and or current gods of antiquity. >We’re to make Jesus GOD because he said “I AM”? >We’re to make Jesus God because he said he could forgive sins? >We’re to make Jesus God because he said he and the father were one? I Am as well- I can and do forgive sins, and I and the Father are one but none of that makes me a god: nor you. Jesus called himself the “Son of man”. Why is that so hard for us to do- other than the obvious answer that we’ve been trained for so long to do that? The study of Christology seemingly has no consensus, and few of the combatants want such. Until we come to see Jesus as a unique human individual who played an incredibly significant role in pointing us to God, we’ll continue to put Jesus out of touch and reach- the opposite of his goal and journey.

As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.

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